Registration Process
The goals of the AASL Registration process are:
- Provide priority registration to the 14 team captains returning from the prior season.
- Collect all team registration fees during the preseason
- Collect all player liability waiver forms through online registration
- Collect information for any individuals not affiliated with a team who want to join if space is available
- Confirm all team rosters are complete and available to opposing captains
Team Fees
AASL fees are assessed as a team fee that is $1,500 for the 2021 season. The fee is the same as a typical AASL season. Our goal is to keep team fees low while still providing a level of service you've come to expect.
Team captains determine their roster size and players. The team is responsible for league fees as captains see fit.
Returning Teams
Returning teams have the first priority during registration. To secure your space, you need to pay the team fee by April 1st.
Checks can be mailed to Acton Adult Softball League, PO Box 2386, Acton, MA 01720 or hand delivered to Joe or Jennifer (contact us by email or phone). Without first payment we cannot guarantee a slot in the league.
Notification that registration period will be sent to all of last years registered players. All players must register with the league. Registering players should indicate the team that they played for (or are looking to join), or select free agent if not previously assigned to a team. Players will be assigned to teams after captain approval. All players must sign waivers as part of registration. Failure to do so will prevent player from joining a team.
Captains that determine they need additional players for their roster should contact the commissioner so that free agent players can be assigned to their team.
Players wishing to join a new team or willing to act as a substitute should register with the league and we will try to assign as spots become available. When teams are short players and need substitutes throughout the season emails will be sent to those registered to check availability. Captains have the option to recruit a sub from the free agent list to join a team on a full time basis. That player would then be assigned to the team and no longer eligible to substitute for other teams.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When does registration for AASL officially start?
A: Registration begins when AASL officials are ready to start accepting registrations.
Q: Team fees seem high compared to other town softball leagues. Where does the money go?
A: During the off-season AASL management prepares a detailed budget that accounts for all funds in and out of the league. There are significant costs associated with field permits, ASA fees, insurance, field maintenance, etc. All league expenses are available for review upon request. League budget is reviewed annually at our fall meeting for those interested.
Q: If I quit the team, move away, get injured, or otherwise unable to play, do I get a refund?
A: There are no refunds from the league. Any issues regarding fees would need to be addressed with the team captain.
Q: Are team sponsorships allowed to help reduce team fees?
A: Sponsorships are absolutely allowed, but the timeline still applies for league fees.
Q: As a captain, can I add players to my team at any time?
A: As long as the new player registers with the league and signs the required waivers, new players can be added at any time throughout the season. There are minimum games played to qualify for the playoffs (please refer to the league rules).